Memorial Window

When ascending what was the bell tower by the modern wooden spiral staircase, is to be found a remarkable illuminated stained glass window. It is situated half way up on the western wall of the tower, and is inscribed on the base of the window across the three lights...

“AMDG*: A Masonic Memorial of the Coronation of King Edward VII August 9th 1902…

King Edward was a most active Freemason and a Past Grand Master by 1901.

This feature depicts on its centre light Jesus holding a shepherd’s crook in one hand and supporting a lamb in the other. Surrounded by a flock of sheep encroaching onto the left and right lights, support the theme is that of the “Good Shepherd”. The characters on the left and right lights, looking inward, have no real distinguishing markings and are, therefore, unknown. Only the colour of the robes of the trio appears to be significant in some way, which leads to a tentative assumption that he on the left is Joshua and he on the right Haggai.

This window was added as part of the reconstruction in the 1970’s and was taken from St. James the Great church, East Hill. The fact that it was to be found in so eminent and grand a church emphasises the fact that there are many more parish and other churches throughout England that have many links with and references to Freemasonry as part of their past.

Natural light is not possible, so this wonderful feature is artificially backlit.

Like every wall & space within the centre the walls in this area have other Masonic memorabilia, the most prominent being an early 20th century banner of Mark Masonry, and more imposing picture large portrait of the late Dr. F Douglas Turner CBE, resplendent in his Royal Arch regalia which completely befits his role of Grand Superintendent of Essex at the time.

* AMDG - Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam - To the Greater Glory of God